News . 24-01-2024

Interpreting wine - Laurence Francis podcast about Georgia and Georgian wine (episode II)
The famous British podcaster Lawrence Francis visited Georgia with the organization of the Natural Wine Association and the support of the National Tourism Administration of Georgia, who recorded a three-part podcast about May's wine festivals.
Lawrence is the author and host of the popular podcast Interpreting Wine.
This time we present to you the second episode of the podcast from the 2024 Georgia series, with very interesting interviews of representatives of various fields working in Georgia. In the podcast, Nathan Moss (founder of the restaurant Sadaanaa), Giorgi Andghuladze, (Craft Wine Restaurant - chef) Nina Akhaladze (Adventure Dinners) and Zaza Khutsishvili. (musician)
To listen to the podcast, please follow the link where you will be able to listen to it in an app that is convenient for you.
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