News . 01-11-2023

Natural wine festival ZERO COMPROMISE will be held on May 5-6
On May 5-6, 2023, Tbilisi will again host the natural wine festival ZERO COMPROMISE organized by the Natural Wine Association and supported by the National Wine Agency.
Traditionally festival is supported by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
We’re delighted to announce that - has become a festival partner this year. A Georgian e-commerce platform, which actively supports and promotes natural & bio wine culture .
ZERO COMPROMISE will be a two-day event for the first time in history, and the explanation for this is the growing number of visitors in recent years. For two days, people interested in natural wine, wine experts, and importers will be able to get a better insight into Georgian natural wines of recent harvests.
Only wine cellars producing natural wines that are members of the Association will participate in the Natural Wine Festival, and accordingly, the wines exhibited will be made in keeping with the rules of natural wine production.
Regular one-day tickets will be available, however, guests buying a two-day festival pass will get a special discount.
Price for a one-day pass: 30 GEL
Price of a two-day pass: 50 GEL.
The Festival will be held in the former Silk Factory – N59 Kkostava Street, Tbilisi;